A downloadable mod

This mod adds a Boss Rush to Fear and Hunger Termina! Inspired by Xade's Boss Rush mod. They gave me permission to make this mod, since they don't plan on doing it on termina. Here is their mod: https://xadexg4l.itch.io/xades-boss-rush-mod

THIS MOD DOES NOT FIX ANY BUGS THE BASE GAME MAY HAVE. Please, only contact bugs if they are the ones in the boss rush event itself.

In game there are some instructions, but I will explain them here: The boss rush begins on Donnovan Hugo's house, and there is two game modes: easier (heal every 5 fights) and hard (no free heals except for the first one). ALSO, it's reccomended to not kill Moonless, as she will be bugged later in the rush and may softblock your game unless you have Rot (and I have yet to figure out how to fix that.)

This mod adds: Boss Rush event and new item (Boss Rush instructions), and a very simple ending. But if people seem to enjoy it, I might make a new ending for each playable character.

Save your healing items for the rush itself! Whatever the gamemode you will get healed at the start.

And lastly, don't be shy to comment what you think, and enjoy!


F&H Termina Boss Rush.zip 8 MB

Install instructions

First of all, you need the game Fear and Hunger Termina (of course). You can buy it on Steam or here in itch.io: https://mirohaver.itch.io/fear-hunger

Download the files of the mod.

Its reccomended that you make a copy of the files of your purchased game to add the mod stuff. Once you do that, enter the www file, and then to a file called "data".

There, copy all the files in the mod folder EXCEPT the audio and image files and the crypted file of the same name (both called the four apostles and "title_logo") and paste them in the data.  You need to replace them with the new ones.

For the audio file (wich is optional, but since I added it on one battle you might want to have it), you need to go from the www folder to audio, then bgm, and in the bgm folder paste it there.

You may need to decrypt the files first! I believe there are some tutorials on youtube about how to do that. But after that, you should have the mod working without any problem, enjoy!

Development log


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Good job on making this Afri :3


Tysm platty!!!<3 I still plan on making an update on this one, but illsee when i can hehe

stuck in moonless 1'st phase forever lul


Did you fight her before? Because I think thats the thing that caused it. And sorry for late reply, I was busy D:

I could try to see if I can make her revive after you kill her (alongside some other bosses, like I did with Sergal), if I see more people wanting me to do that. But yeah, for now it is best to avoid fighting her. Sorry if I didin't make it clear (I'm aware not everyone would read the book I put on there.)

good2know ,im very used to getting only late replies on here btw👍


Still, if there is anything you wanna complain on let me know! It's my first time posting mods so